Minus the beard though.
Fun fact: I've been told by two different people that If I were to grow a beard I would look like Jafar from Disney's Aladdin or Satan. Conclusion: I'll continue to shave.
On the flipside of my coin of interests, we find newer sounds and looks from bands like The Strokes:

Whenever I go shopping I normally don't buy anything because I can't decide if I want to get some patent leather lace-ups or new hi-tops that already look 5 years used. What to do?
My current wardrobe has some pieces from each camp, but is a little heavier on the shirt and tie side. This week I'm going to go for both looks, with some days focusing on the classy business side and other days on the bold cover of Rolling Stone Magazine side. I'll post photos each day as I sport them to school and work where I'll confuse my coworkers with the bipolarity of my choices from one day to the next.
Until then, wear it well.
(photos from H&M and NME.com respectively)
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